Enhancing Biodiversity in Solar Parks: Updates from the Research Project

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At Photon Energy, we are proud to be part of an innovative research initiative focused on optimizing biodiversity support in solar parks located in open countryside. This project, led by the Czech University of Life Sciences, explores how solar parks can contribute to nature conservation while maintaining operational efficiency.
Read more about the project here.

Throughout spring and summer 2024, the research team has conducted extensive fieldwork at selected solar parks owned or managed by Photon Energy. Researchers have collected samples of flora and fauna to assess the current levels of biodiversity. They have also carried out detailed mapping of the vegetation within the solar parks to identify areas with the highest ecological potential.

The first results were presented by the university team at the 53rd Annual Conference of the German Ecological Society in Freising. See the Book of Abstracts here.

In the autumn, the first biodiversity-enhancing measures were implemented at our PV power plant in Komorovice.

Forty seedlings of 13 different species of native shrubs were planted and a flowering meadow, featuring a regionally native plant mix, was established. Initial steps towards creating a sustainable environment included stripping the sod, which is now being used to build nesting walls for solitary bees. A stone wall will also be added to provide a suitable habitat for reptiles.

Meanwhile, the research team continues to analyze the collected samples. By the end of winter, additional insect houses will be placed at the site, further enhancing the microhabitat offerings.

These activities mark the first steps in integrating renewable energy production with active support for local biodiversity.

All research activities were conducted under strict safety protocols, ensuring no disruption to solar park operations. Photon Energy facilitated access to the sites, coordinated logistics for the research team and participated in the planting and maintenance of shrubs and vegetation.

As the project progresses, we look forward to sharing key findings. Stay tuned for further updates.

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The project is supported by the Technological Agency of the Czech Republic under the EU's Environment for Life Programme.

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