Photon Energy's corporate EUR bond 2017/22 is rated as “attractive” by KFM Barometer

Photon Energy’s corporate EUR bond received 4 stars out ofpossible 5 stars and was qualified as “attractive” by theindependent German-based investment company managing a fund thatfocuses on SME bonds.

Photon Energy NV received an independentrating of its EUR corporate bond from KFM Deutsche Mittelstand AG,the German-based investment company managing a successful funddedicated to SME corporate bonds. The released credit analysisabout the company’s corporate 7.75% EUR Bond 2017/22 (WKN: A19MFH)uses the KFM’s in-house scoring system “KFM-MittelstandsanleiheBarometer” and awards the Photon Energy’s EUR bond with a 4 Starrating (out of 5 possible stars), while also qualifying it as an“attractive” investment.

Earlier in May the KFM invested EUR 1.5million via its fund “Deutscher Mittelstandsanleihen FONDS” inPhoton Energy’s bond, confirming the Fund’s trust in the offeredinvestment and strengthening the company’s reputation as an issuerwith a proven past track record on the bond market.

We are genuinely proud to have ourbond acknowledged and highly rated by KFM, while the Fund’sinvestment of EUR 1.5 million shows that our efforts in meeting ourfinancial obligations and generating attractive investment returnsare receiving the right response on the German bond market,”comments Georg Hotar, CEO of Photon Energy.

Photon Energy has managedto stand out from the string of bankruptcies in the solar industryglobally and to confirm its position as a stable company with awell-balanced diversified business and a reputable bondissuer,” adds Clemens Wohlmuth, Photon EnergyCFO. “Being qualified as an “attractive”investment evokes trust among numerous investors and institutionsand we are excited to witness a growing demand and interest in ourbond, both in the form of new placements and in the trading volumeson the Open Market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange“.

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Click here to download theKFM-Mittelstandsanleihe-Barometer report (German)

The 7,75% EUR Bond 2017/22 can still besubscribed to directly through Photon Energy. For more info, pleasecontact us at:


Download this press release as a pdf. 


Anastasia Hotar
T  +420 775 861 732

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