Photon Water receives support for its water treatment projects in Peru

Photon Water Technology s.r.o. announced that it has beenawarded a 50% subsidy for the implementation of its water treatmentplants in small and medium-sized municipalities in Peru. In 2018the project budget is estimated at CZK 4.663 million (approx. EUR184,000), while the subsidy will amount to CZK 2.331 million(approx. EUR 92,000). The company is committed to covering theremaining half of the needed funds while also ensuring thecontinuous operation and maintenance of the installed equipmentafter completion.

Photon Water Technology s.r.o., a subsidiary of Photon EnergyNV, has been awarded a 50% subsidy by the Czech Development Agencyand the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic under theProgramme of Czech International Development Cooperation and theB2B development partnership, for the implementation of drinkingwater treatment projects in Peru. Photon Water’s project was amongthe 42 submissions, out of 77 projects proposed in many developingcountries around the world, which obtained funding.

The project support will be paid out yearly based on the annualestimated budget. The 2018 support amounts to CZK 2.331 million(EUR 92,000) of the estimated annual total project budget of CZK4.663 million (EUR 184,000), where Photon Water is committed tofinancing the remaining half of the needed funds from its ownresources. The entire project is expected to be realized by 2020and to cost CZK 9.637, million (EUR 380,000), of which 4.819million (EUR 190,000) will be covered by the Czech DevelopmentAgency’s subsidy.

The feasibility study for this project has been supported andmajority financed by the Czech Development Agency and prepared byPhoton Water Technology in late 2017. The continued support ofPhoton Water Technology’s activities in Peru by the CzechDevelopment Agency now also during the pilot project phase is atestament to the project’s professional preparation and executionas well as the high social and health impact for a large number ofaffected Peruvian citizens.

The project aims to ensure that the selected municipalities inthe Tacna region of Peru, each with approximately 1,000inhabitants, will be supplied with clean and safe drinking water ona reliable long-term basis. In order to achieve continuousoperation and supply, the project foresees the set-up of a serviceand maintenance team in cooperation with local partners, thecomprehensive training of local technicians, the maintenance ofadequate spare part inventory levels as well as the launch of apublic campaign to educate the local population about the benefitsof new water treatment approaches and the dangers associated withdrinking contaminated untreated water.

“Photon Water is strongly committed to making a differencein the lives of as many Peruvians as possible. The experience,track record and lessons learnt from the delivery of this projectwill allow us to leverage our offering to other Latin Americancountries, where the problem of low water quality is equallypressing,” comments Managing Director of Photon WaterTechnology Dr. Petr Kvapil.

Peru has long-standing problems with the quality, quantity andreliability of drinking water supplies throughout the country. Incertain parts of the country up to 40 per cent of the populationreported a lack of water supplies, while other municipalitiesexposed their populace to water heavily contaminated with hazardoussalts and metals like Arsenic and Boron, from using the onlyavailable source of water, which was. Peruvian regional governmentsare starting to actively address this issue and to providesubstantial support to companies working in water purification andtreatment.

Oconchay City, one of the municipalities in a remote part of the Peruvian desert facing the challenge of contaminated drinking water.

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Anastasia Hotar
T  +420 775 861 732


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